Learn with food, travel and culture…

to Speak


What is it?

So To Speak is a project that came from my love of
food, languages and travels. My mission is to teach
Italian in a culture-centred and engaging way, which
will tempt you to learn through the experience of
your senses. After all what do we love about Italy?
The sound of the language, the gorgeous landscape,
the flavours of the food and… the tasty wines!

Learning languages is fun and challenging at
the same time, we can’t deny it. Just like travelling.
Ever felt lost when travelling? Like everybody
else around you knows exactly what to expect, but
not you? I’ve done my fair share of globetrotting.
I love making new discoveries, meeting new people
and the freedom to chart my own course, but there
are days when things get intense and I feel like the
missing piece to the wrong jigsaw puzzle. But the
day after everything is back to normal – the thrill,
the freedom, the thirst for fascinating experiences…

Same as learning a language.


All about… me!

I’m Italian, naturally…

But moved to London in my early 20s. I love languages
and along the way I’ve dabbled in French, Spanish,
Portuguese (Brazilian and Continental), Japanese and Swedish… Oh, and German… but, somehow, I always
forget that.

It was tough!

Languages I’d love to master next?

English with no foreign accent!

I love languages so passionately to turn them into a career.
I set-up my translation business years ago and I’m still enjoying it like day 1. And since we’re on the subject… if you need Italian translations, check out SO TO SPEAK’s sister website –

And just in case you’re wondering about that beautiful picture above, yes, it’s LAKE COMO and that’s where I’m from…

Me + Cuba + Best hot chocolate ever!


A journey of discoveries

When you travel to a different country, you
embrace its culture by eating unusual food,
smelling mysterious scents, tapping your feet
to exotic rhythms, looking, watching, observing,
letting yourself be mesmerized… touching fabrics,
the velvety skin of fruits… A learning experience
filled with anticipation.


Embrace its language too.

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